Recycling for a future

In addition to the use of biopolymers and bioplastics, a current trend on the market is the redesign and/or new development of products in such a way that they are significantly better or even recyclable compared to their existing version.

Such a new development or optimization of existing products with regard to improved recyclability requires a great deal of knowledge in the field of plastics compatibility and plastics processing. While fiber-reinforced plastics (e.g. glass fiber-reinforced plastics) with sufficient adhesion between fiber and matrix have been used for products in the automotive sector in the past, intrinsically reinforced or separable systems will have to be used in the future.

MEDIAN Kunststoff Service is happy to support you in your efforts to replace glass fiber reinforced systems with self-reinforced systems (and thus single-material systems). Talk to us! We work with you to develop a suitable solution and make your products fit for the recycling of the future.

MEDIAN Kunststoff Service GmbH


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