We have moved!

Our company MEDIAN Kunststoff Service has moved from Halle (Saale) to Hof (Saale) on the campus of the Hof University of Applied Sciences in the Digital Start-up Center with the following new address:

MEDIAN Kunststoff Service
Albert-Einstein-Strasse 1
95028 Hof (Saale)

This means we are closer to research and are also surrounded by other agile start-ups in the digital incubator environment, which will certainly lead to one or two synergies.

A big thank you to the management of Hof University of Applied Sciences, especially to the President, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann, who has supported our efforts from the very beginning. We would also like to thank Dr. Jens Löbus, Managing Director of the Einstein 1 digital start-up center on the university campus, for his support.

MEDIAN Kunststoff Service GmbH


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