Strategic development
of sustainable products enables growth

R&D services

Our R&D services include the following services:

  • Feasibility study
  • Product development and optimization
  • Characterization of plastics
  • Complaints processing
  • Apps and tools for R&D

Let us discuss your engineering problem and find the best possible solution for you.

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Funding acquisition

Many project ideas can be supported by funding from a wide range of state, federal or EU funding bodies. We offer the following services:

  • Funding advice
  • Acquiring funding
  • Writing project reports

Take advantage of our network of experienced engineers.

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Individual advice

We will be happy to advise you on the following topics:

  • Technical classification of (bio)plastics
  • Processing of (bio)plastics
  • Use of (bio)plastics for your product and your process
  • Standards and certifications
  • Increase the recyclability of your plastic products

Talk to us. We will advise you quickly and competently.

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MEDIAN Kunststoff Service GmbH is an R&D service provider for plastics based in Hof/Saale. Our plastics expertise includes both conventional and bioplastics as well as recyclates.

A holistic view of product and plastic life is at the center of our actions. This includes sustainable development, taking into account possible end-of-life options.

We accompany you from the project idea, through the feasibility study, to the development of the finished product. In addition, we develop individual test programs for your raw materials/plastics or plastic products and act as external quality assurance for your company.

Our innovation guide

Customized solutions for you!

Our service at glance - Innovation Guide

Certification of plastics: how it works!

In a globalized world in which product quality and safety have the highest priority, the certification of plastic products is an indispensable tool. It ensures that products not only comply with legal requirements, but also meet the high expectations of consumers. Certification can also boost customer confidence and provide access to new markets. But how exactly does the certification process work?

To the article

Contact us

MEDIAN Kunststoff Service GmbH

Albert-Einstein-Strasse 1
95028 Hof (Saale)


Wir prüfen Ihr Produkt kostenfrei auf Nachhaltigkeit bzw. Kreislauffähigkeit und zeigen Ihnen Potenziale zur Verbesserung auf. Hierfür setzen wir moderne thermische, mikroskopische und spektroskopische Analyseverfahren ein.

Senden Sie uns Ihr Produkt zu und erfahren Sie mehr zu dessen Kreislauffähigkeit.


We test your product for sustainability and recyclability free of charge and show you potential for improvement.
To do this, we use modern thermal, microscopic and spectroscopic analysis methods.

Send us your product and find out more about its recyclability.

Didn't find what you were looking for?

Please contact us directly. We will be happy to advise you.